Thursday, March 26, 2009

Liver Support for Horses

Hi Everyone!
I had the pleasure of "meeting" Lydia Hiby, a very well known animal communicator recently, and we have teamed up together. Many of her clent's horses, mules, and donkeys are expressing the need for milk thistle to support their overtaxed livers.
Lydia has been referring her clients to Half Moon Equine Herbals for our Liver Support blend. A wonderful woman from the East Coast asked me why her horse might need herbs that help his liver function better. I think equines need liver detoxification and liver tonic for the same reasons that we humans do. Her Tennessee Walker had had a questionable background, and had come to her emaciated. The liver works extra hard to rid the body of toxins in times of stress, whether it be environmental or otherwise. As well, our horses live in the same polluted environment that we do, and that can be hard on the kidneys and liver. Spring is a fabulous time to feed our Liver Support, and horse owners should think about helping their horses detox several times a year.
All the best,


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